Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

kpi'09 uin suka yogya


Selasa, 18 Mei 2010


To be over in consuming everything is not good. Allah SWT forbids us to be over in consuming everything as written in Al-A’raf: 31, “O children of Adam! Look to your adornment at every place of worship, eat and drink, but be not prodigal. Lo! Allah loveth not the prodigals.” For the example is consuming too much milk.

Do you know that milk caused osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease of bones that leads to an increased risk of fracture. In osteoporosis, the bone mineral density is reduced, bone micro architecture is disrupted, and the amount and variety of proteins in bone is altered.

Osteoporosis or bone fracture diseases, generally happens because of lack of Calcium, so the patient has been suggested to consume amount of Calcium to increase the bone density. To fulfill the need of Calcium as a precaution of osteoporosis, we have been suggested to consume a lot of milk, because the milk consists of a lot of Calcium and is assumed to be able to prevent osteoporosis.

Consuming too much milk caused osteoporosis. Dr. Hiromi Shinya, MD, a pioneer of surgery using “Kolonoskop”, he is also a professor of Medical of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA, over than 35 years, he knew the side effect of milk to human body since his children suffer Dermatis Atopic (serious skin infection) at the age of 6 or 7 months as allergy to milk.

Moreover, in fact, drinking milk too much caused osteoporosis. As we know, drinking a lot of milk can help in preventing osteoporosis. Generally, we believe that Calcium in milk is easier to be absorbed than Calcium in other food like small fish, but this is not fully true.

The level of Calcium in human blood is usually 9-10 mg. However, when we drink milk, the concentration of Calcium in our blood is suddenly increases. Although in short time, it might seen as much of Calcium has been absorbed, but the increasing of Calcium level in blood has bad effect. According to Dr. Shinya in his book “The Miracle of Enzyme”, he said that when the concentration of Calcium in blood suddenly increase, our body try to reserve this abnormal condition back to normal again by wasting Calcium from kidney through urine. In other word, if you try to drink milk, hoping to get Calcium, the result is truly ironic. That is decreasing the amount of Calcium in our body in total. The result of observation, from the biggest four of milk consumer country – America, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland – in those four nations is found many cases hip bone fracture and osteoporosis.

In the contrary, small fishes and seaweed, which is consumed by Japanese for centuries which is assumed that has low Calcium, can increase the amount of Calcium concentrate in blood as it consist slow absorbed Calcium. Furthermore, there is no case of osteoporosis in Japan when the people were not consuming milk.

Now, we know that consuming too much milk is not good and caused osteoporosis. So, consume everything in sufficient amount as we need.

Canggih B. P./ 09210030/ T-class-Center of Language and Culture UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Rabu, 28 April 2010

Talk about love

Aku mencintai orang yang tak pernah ku cintai

Aku membenci orang yang tak pernah ku benci

Seseorang yang membuatku rindu

Seseorang yang membuatku cemburu

Aku mencintai orang yang tak mencintaiku

Aku membenci orang yang tak membenciku

Seseorang yang membuatku mengerti pengorbanan

Seseorang yang membuatku takut kehilangan



Rabu, 07 April 2010

ga penting

bingung mu nulis pa... mampet otakQuwh.. haha :D

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

ngomongin UN

serumit p c un kali ni??

dri dulu un always jd momok bagi siswa skulahan..

dri dulu yg paling ditakutin dari skulah ea cuma un.. bkn guru yg killer.. bkn tugas yg byk,, bkn ulangan yg cucah,, tp UN yg byk syarat..

berbagai macm cra ditempuh biar lulus un.. kalu q leh koment ea,, benerY 1 yg plg dtakutin.. bkn maslah tkut g lulus.. tp takut krn ktdakpcyaan akan kmampuan dri sndri.. padahal ujian itu kan mereka hadapi tiap hari..

ujian g cuma un pren..ujian kehidupan lah yg mesti kalian takutin..

cz setan always menggoda qt disetiap langkah qta..

so ngapain takut ngadepin UN.. santai j lagi.. asal qt mau bljr, berdoa, berusaha untuk memahami pa yang qt peljari,, pasti qt lulus..

so.. jgn takut ma UN..

bwt kalian yg takut m UN... tar lo dah jdi menteri pendidikan mending kebijakan yg stu ntu dihapus j ea,, hahaha

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010


hari ini aku mencoba posting... berhasil g ea??